Tired of spinning all the plates? 

Then I invite you to discover the incredible power of Your DREAM Life 1:1 coaching, where you'll receive:

  • A choice between a fully immersive intensive coaching day with me, complete with refreshments and lunch, OR a series of 6 focused coaching sessions.

  • Enjoy 2 months of exclusive access to the DREAM Team Membership (valued at £94).

  • Receive a personalised plan designed to seamlessly integrate my proven DREAM Method (trademark pending) into your life, ensuring sustained progress and growth.

This comprehensive coaching package is crafted to elevate your wellbeing, empower your journey, and guide you towards the life you've always dreamed of.

How do we do it? 

We first analyse your life within each area of my DREAM principles - Diet, Rest, Exhalation, Activity and Mindset. 

Once we have broken this down, we create a bespoke plan to help you find peace and harmony - as I truly believe that if you can find balance these 5 key areas, you will be living your DREAM life, whatever that may look like to you. 

I'm multi-certified in all of the above areas, plus have 15 years experience - you can rest assured with me as your guide. 

It’s Time To Put YOU First

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep

and nurture your inner self.


Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence (not arrogance, just sheer confidence in you and your abilities) as you discover Your DREAM Life - and remember, everyone's DREAM Life is different - there's no comparison here.

"After being diagnosed with stage 1 hypertension, I turned to Lise for 1:1 breathwork sessions. The results have been astonishing. Through targeted breathwork exercises alongside the DREAM principles, my blood pressure has normalised. Lise not only helped me regain control over my health but also educated me on sustainable practices for a healthier lifestyle."

"As a career-driven woman, finding time for self-care was always a challenge. These one-on-one coaching sessions has been transformative. The personalised approach to the DREAM principles has not only enhanced my professional performance but also brought a sense of calm and balance into my hectic schedule."


Now's the chance to create Your DREAM Life.

Spaces for this coaching package are extremely limited to ensure we can connect on a deeper level.

Pricing is just £497 for this in depth, 1:1 coaching journey and you can claim your space here.

If you'd like to discuss this further, or to see which other options are available to you, just fill out the form and I will be in touch to discuss your goals and how we can best work together.

Are you ready? Come on, let's do this xx